My name is Bob Hagglund, candidate for Lieutenant Governor.

Solving today's problems, planning for our future together, and fixing things that are broken in state government for the benefit of all of the people of Washington!

My top fast-track priorities serving you:

๐Ÿ‘ Crime and Public Safety

Making our communities safe again is my top priority.

This year, we forced the Legislature to restore reasonable police pursuit when the people gathered hundreds of thousands of signatures supporting Initiative 2113. We, the people, shamed Olympia leaders into allowing police to chase criminals again. These are mostly the same people who handcuffed police in the first place, allowing crime to get out of control, endangering life and property.

Restoring reasonable police pursuit is just the start of what needs to be done to make Washington safe again for all of us. Now it is up to us to force the government to stop the flow of dangerous drugs into our country, eliminate human trafficking, clear our streets of violent criminals, help people suffering from addiction, and allow innovation to create new opportunities for people to build stronger communities.

๐Ÿ‘ Keeping More Money in Your Pocket

Inflation is out of control with no end in sight. The response of our state government has been to make the problem worse with even more regulations, higher taxes, and no plan to make life better for the people of Washington. The Governor has been completely out of touch with reality championing terrible policies that harm most of the people of our state, leaving mess behind for us to clean up after he retires.

We were able to stop the government from taxing hard work via Initiative 2111, but the Governor and his political insiders covet your money so much that the Legislature refused to even consider Initiative 2109, stopping them from taxing the wealth of small businesses and innovators, as well as Initiative 2117, the hidden fuel tax that raises the cost of everything, harming low-income people the most.

Making people who cannot afford electric cars, young people, minorities, and traditionally disadvantaged people carry the greatest burden for their tax scheme will not do anything significant to stop climate change. We all want a clean environment, but it is wrong for Olympia insiders and wealthy elites to hurt people already in need just so they can falsely claim to be leading the world stopping climate change.

It's time we elect people who will prioritize making living in Washington affordable and do things that actually will help promote cost-effective growth of clean energy.

๐Ÿ‘ Parents and Children's Rights

Parents need to be in charge of their families, not the government. The people overwhelmingly supported Initiative 2081 requiring government to tell parents what is going on with their children and not hide vital information from them. It's time we take this another step forward for Washington families and require government to never take any action that will medically or mentally affect a child without first obtaining permission from the parents or legal guardians. Parents, not government, have primary authority and responsibility for their children.

Adults doing things to children behind their parents' backs is not acceptable under any circumstances. Government has a moral obligation to protect children and the rights of parents. It's that simple.

It's time we elect new leadership that will put the people of Washington first, ahead of radical political agendas.

We need an experienced professional with the team-building skills and training needed to put our state government to work for the people of Washington. I have worked successfully for many years bringing people together to solve problems and make people's lives better.

It's time for me give back to the people of Washington.

I respectfully ask for your support and vote.